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If one conserves truth, everything is conserved. That is axiomatic statement’. That is the meaning of Satyamev Jayate and so Conservative Libertarianism means just doing that. One does not allow truth to be covered up. This works if one has followed truth throughout one’s life so that one is constantly building on the truths ascertained through each moment of one’s life. One should always take the appropriate steps to ensure that truth is conserved. Then alone one follows the eternal law of the universe and dharma is practiced in the idealistic manner and thence follows Dharma Rakshati Rakshita in that if one practiced dharma in this manner the axiomatic law of Nature will protect the person and his works as dharma cannot be destroyed when it is the truth. This takes place when truth accommodation results naturally without any effort or planning involved to conserve truth. For Truth is God and God is Truth so one is constantly raising God to the surface in all ones thoughts and actions. This is realised when one knows that God is genuinely there to protect the sadhaka who undertakes his life in this frame of mind, that is to say he or she does not allow truth to be covered up with every passing moment of his life.

This is the real reason that I have survived for the past 24 years in the United Kingdom after two spells in a mental hospital under compulsory Sectioning and with constant threats from the State to return me to that confinement, as is evident in the 15 October 2021, 5.13 am email from Bury where he refers to a ‘straight-jacket’. The next time I am incarcerated in a mental hospital there will be no way back into the Community, this much I am sure. So I was thinking I should not be publishing anything more in my websites that I have or the State having been cornered will use that as evidence to do something terrible to me.

This however is cowardice and not truth conservation, but truth accommodation. Truth accommodation was a yogic path to the truth for me and that truth is Truth Conservation. This is sanatan dharma which remains the focus of my thoughts and actions.

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