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The Trimurti is the vital component of Hinduism, nothing can be explained without reference to the three gunas in Prakriti/Nature. Brahma-Nature means the Creation-Nature is composed of sattvic, rajasic and tamasic gunas, sattvic being pious-sentimentality (Christians/Buddhists) with Brahma being the Lord of the guna, rajasic being routinal at the centre of the sphere of reality so harmonising, conserving and preserving, and tamasic being evil so highly destructive (Shiva). What you have read about Vishnu being sattvic and Brahma being rajasic is an error in history. I have analysed to the data to arrive at my

When the universe will come to an end it will be Shiva who will destroy the universe. This is well known in Hinduism. Further, Shiva is also known as the Lingaraj, that is responsible for the gross overpopulation in Muslim communities from Islam and various other religious entitles like Christianity that is destroying the planet. Shiva organises this. He is the one Christians refer to as Satan. Just look at the history of the Earth, and what the Taliban are doing in Afghanistan when there is the scourge of coronavirus, an evil virus that is affecting the world. What more do you want to know.

Sattvic is total piety (ahimsa and charitable); tamasic is extreme predatory cruelty, greed, ego, and satanic, while rajasic is routinal, natural and balanced in occupying the centre of the sphere of reality by truth accommodating and freedom in independence without aims that lead to harmonise, and preserve Brahma-Nature in sanatan dharma. These three gunas are in our consciousness and the are overlorded by Brahma for sattvic, Vishnu for rajasic and Shiva for tamasic giving all living beings their nature, their personalities and characteristics that are the basis of their actions as karma. The rajasic path of living is the only path to libertion within this life-time (including nirvana and moksha) where one is free from all ailments of the mind because one has surrendered to Bhagwan Vishnu and through Him to Sri Krishna, our Creator. That is all I need to know.

My studies of Hinduism are based on personal assessment of the constitutents of all the aspects of Hinduism and Buddhism. I have never studied the Puranas. I used Numerology to determine that the Trimurti is central focus of Hinduism and is depicted in the symbol of Om. I am a puritannical Hindu and do not allow conflicting sentiments to what Hinduism represents to enter my way of thinking.

As to what the differences are between Ishvara, Bhagwan, God and Devta, this is a very important question in Hinduism. For a Vishista- advaitist Ishwar is the Creator God Sri Krishna. He is represented in the Trimurti Triad by Lord Vishnu as Bhagwan, the rajasic guna God, Lord Brahma (representing the crearor, not worshipped) Lord Vishnu (preserver, so worshipped) and Lord Shiva (destroyer/lingaraj as evil rakshsas/Satan in English) with sattvic and tamasic gunas respectively. These three Lords have consorts, Saraswati for Lord Brahma Lakshmi for Lord Vishnu, and Parvati for Lord Shiva. They are not devatas, but god-entities with only Lord Vishnu being Bhagawan. There are no devatas in the Trimurti. Ishwar the Creator is known in English as God. The Trimurti through its guna consciousness organise everything that happens in the universe, unless Sri Krishna intervenes on the request of Vishnu. Now, when human beings die their atman is released into Brahmaloka, good people become devatas in Brahmaloka and evil people become asuras who fight among themselves until they decide to be reborn on Earth as living beings again in a process called reincarnation to ascend up the karmic ladder for asuras.

Gautum Buddha avatar?

Buddha was not an avatar of Vishnu. Legend has it that Brahma and Vishnu visited Buddha when he left his duties and resposibilies to his wife and kingdom in search for enlightenment and they tried to persuade Buddha to abandon this search. Only Ram was an avatar of Vishnu. Remember Sri Krishna is represented in the Trimurti by Vishnu the Lord of rajasic guna, whereas Buddha's discovery of the 4 Noble truths and Eightfold path to alleviate suffering (dukha) is sattvic which is represented in the Trimurti by Lord Brahma. The reason they tried to persuade Buddha to give up is because he would do a lot of harm to the world with the imbalance that sattvic principles would bring in terms of pious sentimentality that it endorses as opposed to rajasic conservation, preservation and harmony. Similarly it is of interest the Shiva is the Lord of tamasic guna in the Trimurti and so is known as the destroyer/Lingaraj.

As to whether Sanatan Dharm Hinduism has got anything to say about Cognition, in order to perform sanatan dharma impeccably one needs awareness. This comes from gyana yoga but specifically knowledge to know truth from deceit, good from evil and when perfected one is able to act nonchalantly, spontaneously and unpremeditatedly every moment of the day in cognition of the prevailing reality. That freedom to act naturally without fear, paranoia and apprehension leads to as one as one can get towards sanatan dharma.


In Hindu society the biological differences between man and woman are taken into account in the rituals. A westerner Abrahamic won't appreciate it. This is faith not open to debate on feminism that Hinduism does not tolerate because man and women have different functions and so roles in Hindu society.. Sweat, tears illness diarrhoea are not part of the consideration in worship of the Divine. Sanatan dharma is neutral on the sexism issue. There are biological roles for males and females. Sanatan Dharan dharma means living to these specific roles with their duties and responsibilities for a man and a woman. The sexes are equal in their importance in the preservation and conservation of Nature because Supreme God Sri Krishna and Supreme Goddess Durga are two sides of the same coin, God. So Sanatan dharma requires us to marry and have children. Feminism is a curse in humanity and intolerable to Sanatan dharma Hinduism. Notwithstanding, te sanctity of worship is affected negatively for devotion requires meditation on the Divine with purity of mind and body. That cannot be washed of in women during periods, so they must abstain from pumas and associated rituals. It is not discrimination against women. We live with our God and God's and goddesses as Hindus for which pavitrata is vital.  These rituals that have remained in present day Hindu society are the result of thousands of years of devotional practices It is under the umbrella of what constitutes bhakti.

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