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What is Hindutva, and is there any potency in it in terms of sustainability as a practiced religion

Facebook posting on Hindutva

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Dismantling Hindutva conference on 9/11 instead of Dismantling Islamic terrorism

Someone took the focus on Islam and switched it to Hinduism.



Shantanu Panigrahi 12 September 2021, 11.49 am

Before we criticise Hindutva or the critics of Hindutva who wish to dismantle the perceived Hindutva, we need to ask ourselves individually and collectively as Hindus and as those who are not Hindus, what precisely do you object to in our ways of life, and for Hindus, are you proud of what you represent as a Hindutva. To me Hindutva means the 'essence of Hinduism', the actual core of what the religion is that we are individually following and whether it can be followed collectively by all so called Hindus who would then be proud to call themselves Hindutva types of living human beings. The determinant of this is how we act and project ourselves within our community and to people outside our community in what we do and how we treat other living beings, both human and in terms of biodiversity. This can only be based on what is true and what is false, and this is a very subjective assessment, so we rely upon gurus and sadhgurus to guide us in our individual paths. They may not know what is true and what is false, so Hindutva is given a bad name and then critics such as the 40 odd American Universities intent on dismantling HInduism would be justified in what they are doing. For Hindutva if not correctly forumulated could be as dangerous to the global community as Islam is in the eyes of some who regard it falling short of the rights of human beings to be left free of coercion and tyranny towards children and women. So we need to be careful and listen to what these Universities are saying and discuss with them what their objections are and correct them if we can with the right formulation of the essence of Hinduism. Naturally, I have my own conception which I have worked on for the past 24 years and written 7 Books about, but no one is talking about the content of these books, not even purchasing them or writing to me about what I mean on what constitutes the essence of Hinduism as being the appropriate Hindutva way of life.

The Allurement of Reality as witnessed by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi - Books and Publications Spotlight | Lulu


The Allurement of Reality as witnessed by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi - Books and Publications Spotlight | Lulu

The Allurement of Reality as witnessed by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi - Books and Publications Spotlight | Lulu



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